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Services for EL, Homeless, and Foster Students

There was a question about providing services to EL, homeless, and foster students. The only guidance I have found so far has to do with making sure the students’ civil rights are protected. This is what was stated about EL.

“Effective Communication and Language Assistance: When school officials provide information to students, parents, and the community about any aspect of coronavirus or actions the schools are taking in response to coronavirus, they generally need to provide meaningful access to such information to English learner students and adults with limited English proficiency. School officials also must ensure equally effective communications with persons with disabilities (such as persons who are deaf, deaf-blind, or blind). Thus, the information and materials must be provided, as appropriate, in alternate formats to facilitate effective communication for individuals with disabilities.”

It is the district’s responsibility to ensure all students have equitable access to learning. The packets going home for EL students and distance learning requirements have to be examined for equitable learning.