For Educators

Education Resources has earned a great reputation for exemplary services and a commitment to customer relationships. Unlike larger companies that offer cookie-cutter solutions to complex problems educators face in today’s schools, our company works with school districts to bring exactly what you need when you need it most. We help you maximize student achievement!
Education Resources has earned a great reputation for exemplary services and a commitment to customer relationships. Unlike larger companies that offer cookie-cutter solutions to complex problems educators face in today’s schools, our company works with school districts to bring exactly what you need when you need it most. We help you maximize student achievement!



Our Comprehensive Needs Assessment is customized for the needs and preferences of your district and meets all state and federal requirements. The report we generate can be confidently used as the foundation for the strategic planning process. It is foundational to any improvement efforts.

Our Comprehensive Needs Assessment survey begins with question selection from a bank of questions. You can construct your own questions, or we can help you get the right questions to elicit the right responses to measure additional target areas.  Our easy-to-use question link offers you an opportunity to point and click for easy selection. Clients may also want to just email us a list of questions. Questions are selected by stakeholder group and may include open-ended questions as well as a five-point Likert scale format. Interim statistics are provided each week to let you know what’s happening with response rates by school and stakeholder group.

Our reports include responses from all stakeholder groups and disaggregated as needed to represent each group. We also include background information about each organization, including data for the past three years where applicable. Finally, we analyze all survey and background data and give you a concise overview of your organization’s strengths and weaknesses.

The Comprehensive Needs Assessment is a popular service for school districts because it relieves 90% of the stress involved in conducting and compiling the Federally required Comprehensive Needs Assessment. We offer customized services with fast, accurate results, for a reasonable price.

Because of our exceptional service and reports, our clients return to us year after year. Give us a call at 662-760-2637 and let us give you a quote for your district. 

Comprehensive Needs Assessment Dashboard

See all your data in real time

You can now have access to our dashboard, which will help simplify the process of completing and receiving your Comprehensive Needs Assessment report.

The dashboard will take you step-by-step through the entire process, from creating your surveys at the start to the printing and shipping of the hard copy of your report at the end.

With our new dashboard you can:


Superintendent's Annual Report

If your district is a Comprehensive Needs Assessment client, we are happy to compile your annual Superintendent’s Report as well. Our team can pull together the important information from your CNA and add any additional information you want. Every report is customized to include all the information you need and want. Our reports are magazine quality with easy to read graphics and relieves the stress from your staff Your board will love this report! Call 662-760-2637 today for a quote.



Need your handbooks updated? We can review and update your handbooks with user friendly language, graphics, and board policy citations. Whether it is a faculty handbook, student handbook, or athletic handbook, we are happy to help with the updates. Our prices are reasonable and our customer service is exemplary.

Call 662-760-2637 today for a quote for your district.



We work with districts in all things federal programs. We help you:

NOTE: All training will be conducted by highly qualified personnel with terminal degrees and decades of experience with federal programs design and implementation. Let us help you get it done!


Partnership with Lean Frog Consulting

Education Resources is pleased to announce a partnership with Lean Frog Consulting Services to form a new company to bring Lean Six Sigma techniques to School Districts.
Now school leaders can confidently reduce spending and increase efficiency in non-academic service areas to capture waste and redirect resources to maximize student achievement. We use proprietary Lean Six Sigma techniques to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of non-instructional areas. Our Detailed Efficiency Review is a “deep dive” into one or more of your departments or you can look at the entire organization in an organizational review. The departmental review involves a detailed analysis of data provided, interviews with administrators and staff, on-site observation of work processes as they occur, and workflow analysis. We provide commendations along with practical, actionable recommendations for improved efficiencies. Our areas of expertise include:
Click here to learn more.
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