Private Schools and ESSER/CARES Funds
Those of you with private schools may want to read this in regards to ESSER/CARES funds. It sounds like a fight may be a brewing!
MDE in the LEA ESSER Application
Want to know what MDE must include in the LEA ESSER application?
Equitable Services Guidance for CARES
An interesting read regarding the equitable services guidance for the CARES money.
COVID-19 Waivers
Here is the official document that details the waivers due to COVID-19.
CARES Funding Spending Plans
How are some of your districts planning on spending the CARES funds?
Updates on Title IV Funding
The latest update from Betsy DeVos gives districts great latitude with Title IV funding. Note the waivers that will be available in the bullets. Of course, MDE must request a waiver for all of this, but I’m sure they will do so. However, to date no one has heard from MDE Office of Federal Programs […]
MDE Federal Programs Office Information
The MDE Federal Programs Office keeps saying they will be putting out a timeline shortly regarding planning and other FP guidelines. Until then, I guess we will just be in a holding pattern. In the meantime, periodically check the MDE website COVID-19 message and click on Federal Programs for any information they have put out. […]
Services for EL, Homeless, and Foster Students
There was a question about providing services to EL, homeless, and foster students. The only guidance I have found so far has to do with making sure the students’ civil rights are protected. This is what was stated about EL. “Effective Communication and Language Assistance: When school officials provide information to students, parents, and the […]
Questions about Federal Funds During COVID-19
Since we don’t know how long this COVID-19 social distancing may last, many are thinking we won’t go back to school this year. That raises a lot of questions about federal funds and grant requirements. A few of my questions were Can we pay federally funded personnel for not coming to work as we are […]
Quarantine Stories
Hi Friends! How are you doing in the midst of this COVID-19 quarantine? Let’s support one another here. Check in and tell us what you are doing these days. I’ll start… I’m homeschooling two children, my 3rd grade grandson and 5th grade daughter of my son’s fiancee. Today was our first day, and it went […]
MDE Monitoring Visits
Forrest County and Petal have completed their monitoring visits with MDE. It really wasn’t too bad. We had visits from a team of 4 people who stayed for 2 days. The teams were very professional and polite. They asked for evidence if they didn’t see what they were looking for and allowed us to provide […]
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Surveys
Has everyone begun running their comprehensive needs assessment surveys? This is a great time to add questions for Title IV and Homeless; you can knock out those requirements at the same time. Any suggestions for getting more parent responses to the surveys?