Schoolwide Plans FY21

It’s time to update our Title I Schoolwide Plans.  Since our plans are a three-year plan, the schools do not have to update all of the plan. Schools only have to revise the sections in MCAPS that have changed.  In addition, since standardized tests were not given in the spring, we don’t have test scores, and we can’t include that data.  If no changes have been made to the implementation of the plans, schools only have to complete the sections for the planning team, planning summary, prioritized list of needs, and the school plan overview section. If the plan is being changed from the prior year, the impacted dimension must be updated.  If there are no changes, the sections in MCAPS must be left blank.

Remember that schools must still hold schoolwide planning meetings with the individuals listed in the schoolwide planning team.  These meetings can be held virtually.  Be sure to include screenshots of participants if a list of the attendees cannot be printed from the zoom, google meets, or program being used.

In light of no test data,  how do schools plan?  Keep in mind that the comprehensive needs assessment is more than test data.  The comprehensive needs assessment should include data from the surveys given to parents/community, students, and teachers in the spring.  These surveys provide valuable insight to all the dimensions but especially to climate and culture, professional development, and parent and family engagement.  The Comprehensive Needs Assessment reports from Education Resources make this information readily available.   Schools should also include data collected from attendance, discipline, teacher turnover, and any other area that impacts the school.  Even though state test data is not available from last year, your schools should still have beginning of year and mid-year data from universal screeners from FY20.  This data can be used in conjunction with beginning of year assessments from FY21.  Comparing this data should give some insight as to what needs to be done to help students be successful this year.  In addition, consider the impact Covid-19 has had on your schools.  This may impact how you implement your plan and may necessitate changes to the schoolwide plan.  If so, you will want to make those changes in the appropriate section of the schoolwide plan.

I highly recommend using the MDE Schoolwide Plan Rubric.  You may want to edit the rubric to meet your particular school needs.  When I read my schools’ plans,  I highlight green if it meets the requirements, and red if it does not.  I also make comments in a different colored ink to explicitly tell schools what needs to be fixed.  I then send the schools’ their rubric so they can see what needs to be fixed.  In addition, this rubric will be evidence of federal programs assistance being provided to the schools.

I’m thankful for how easy MDE has made the schoolwide plan process easier this year.  Good luck in finalizing your schoolwide plans.




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