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FY19 Revision Deadline

Your FY19 revision deadline is October 17. Want a few Title revision hints?

Many of us received reduced FY19 reallocated funds. A revision can be frustrating, since changes to the fiscal plan can result in changes to the PPA page, which then necessitates touching every school.

My suggestion is to make as many changes as possible to the set-aside page and/or to the administration budget. By doing this, one can avoid changing the PPA allocation to the school. Consider the district needs and either add to, subtract from or implement a new district initiative based on the reduction or increase of funds. Another easy fix is to add to or subtract from the indirect costs. At the same time, make any revisions to school budgets to move all funds into a line item that will be quickly obligated and expended.

After making the changes to the funding pages, don’t forget to adjust the funds in the LEA Plan Overview and match all funds to the proper goals and action steps. You can check that all funds have been assigned to a goal by looking at the Plan Relationships page for each Title program.

In addition, a revision letter needs to be uploaded in the Related Documents section of the funding section.

All revisions should have input from district and schools. Be sure to document this input for monitoring. It can be as simple as an email.

I hope these hints help make your revision process go quickly and easily.