CNA Time of Year
We are entering that CNA time of year when most of us are getting ready to administer surveys to all stakeholders. When you create your surveys, don’t forget to include questions about Title IV. Remember it is mandatory to do a Title IV survey every 3 years. Why not make it a part of your […]
What Are Your LEA Plans
How are your LEA plans looking? There are some districts who had their plans returned due to a kink in the system. Most of these districts were those who had transferred funds from Title II and/or Title IV to Title I. It appears MDE had to return the reallocated amounts back to the original allocation […]
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! As we enter the last half of the 2019-2020 school year, may your days be richly blessed! May you and your loved ones stay healthy and safe. May your LEA plans, schoolwide plans, and school improvement plans be approved quickly! May your monitoring visits be stress-free with no findings. But most importantly, […]